Will I ever make it home....
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Texas...How I missed you!
Sorry this picture basically depicts what I do at work....LOL.......No seriously...and it it hilarious...

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So yay, me....I been home for a couple days now and it's been great. I don't do anything or go anywhere. I sit here in bed all day watching Cartoon Network and such with my 2 year old, while we much on all kinds of food. I think I've gained like 10 lbs...Just being lazy it's been awesome. I missed Texas and all the good food. I missed my family and friends. It's sad that I have to say goodbye tomorrow, but I am anxious to get back to Mr. Randy. But I need to enjoy my time here, since I wont be back home until next year in the summer. It's been difficult not being able to come by every weekend and seeing everyone and feeling like I was part of the circle. Now I feel like an outsider. I live on the East coast, not by choice but by circumstance and to see my brother living on the West coast in transit to Japan, is hard...but these are the lives we chose for ourselves. We knew what would happen in the military, but we still made that choice for ourselves. I missed my sister and her obnoxious and hilarious way of being. I missed my step-mom and her wonderful food. It's amazing what she can cook! I missed my brother-in-law and his funny way of giving unwarranted advice. I missed my father, with this strong, silent self, always in the background, there but not really. I missed my little brother, who each days gets taller and cuter. He'll be a heartbreaker soon enough. And I just missed Texas. I miss driving here and knowing where everything is, not getting lost and being able to go to the store and people are actually nice to you. No one has a stick up their butt like in DC. I'm going to hate leaving again, because it's been GREAT being here, and even though I miss my house and my car and my own space, it's awesome to get back to my roots and see where I came from and show that and share it with my son. So he too can be proud to be hispanic and of having a big crazy obnoxious family that loves him, just the way he is. I will miss you: What-a-burger, Jack in the Box; Waffle House, Pappadeux, Mina's and Dimi's, Taco Cabana, KFC, Sonic, Luby's, and all the other restaurants that I took for granted! I miss ya'll....no wonder I haven't gained any weight in DC...they don't have any of the food that I ate everyday! Well, just wanted to post that...How sad, I shall be tomorrow...to watch Texas become small and see Baltimore again tomorrow. But one thing that is good about all this, maybe I'll see Mr. Randy....*sigh* Yay!
posted by The Devil @ 12:53 PM  
  • At 1:24 PM, Blogger RC666 said…

    What's with the "Mr." thing I don't think we have to be that formal, we had this discussion last night it's Hospital Corpsman Third Class...gawd...lol, j/k!

  • At 1:26 PM, Blogger The Devil said…

    Look, just be glad you are mentioned....Hooker...Miss you sweetheart!

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Name: The Devil
Home: Somewhere in, Texas, United States
About Me: I'm a young mom, who stresses out far too much.
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