Will I ever make it home....
Friday, July 07, 2006
Happy 1 Year....
anniversary to TS&HA and I, who have just made the one year mark here in the good ol' unit we work in. I would like to say that last year on July 7th, when I first walked into the building I work in, and met the people I work with now, I was a very different person. I was a timid, skinny, and depressed woman. Someone going through a divorce, who had just left everything she has ever known in Texas. I had taken a risk, found a roomate that I had never known in real life before and moved to Fairfax, VA, with nothing more than a computer, a closetful of shoes and clothes, and 3 albums. I didn't have furniture. I didn't have friends. I now have a beautiful town house. I have awesome furniture. But I still don't have too many friends! I have gone through a shitty year. But I am looking forward to my next anniversary here, because by then, I will hopefully be seperating from the Army, and getting ready to move to Texas (oh, btw RC!)! Oh for those who know TS&HA personally, she tied the knot in Vegas (with someone she knew, previous to the trip), and I hope she doesn't make too many appointments. LCS and Momma Bear have gone to the field, along with my darling DQ. Hurry back soon DQ! So, we can have out slumber party. I would invite everyone, but I don't know too many chicks out here....Eh, what the hell! All the chicks who live in the DC area are welcomed to come! Well, that's it...Have a nice weekend, ya'll....
posted by The Devil @ 1:45 PM  
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Name: The Devil
Home: Somewhere in, Texas, United States
About Me: I'm a young mom, who stresses out far too much.
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"Before you do anything, think. If you do something to try and impress someone, to be loved, accepted or even to get someone's attention, stop and think. So many people are busy trying to create an image, they die in the process."-Salma Hayek

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