Will I ever make it home....
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Fucking Fucked-up Fuckers!

I hate how people drive here. Granted I took off later than I usually do, but still. The people here insist on getting in the HOV lane and going....a staggering 45 fucking miles an hour! What the SHIT?! Are you fucking kidding me? If you aren't in a hurry to get to work then get the fuck out of my WAY! Is that so hard to understand? Maybe in Texas they teach us how to drive differently, and seriously (the drivers here make all the immigrants in Texas seem like excellent drivers..and that's not saying much!) how do these people get liscenses? Who the hell is at the DPS...or DMV whatever the fuck it is called here and handing out these things...Did everyone go trick or treating to the DMV and get free liscenses? Oh sure, you can drive hazardously, that's great you'll fit right in, with ever other dumbass motherfucker on the road. And what is up with no one knowing what lane they wanna be in? Is it just me or do I feel like I have to bob and weave in the lanes while I'm trying to make my trip back home? Is this actually necessary? I mean it's like everyone can't possibly be drunk at 5:45 am on a Tuesday...so why the unnecessary driving tactics? I don't get it. I have almost had a numerous amount of accidents and have only lived here for a little over 3 months. And I can proudly say that none of them have had me at fault. I'm a good driver, yes, I speed...But I am not aggressive. It's hard to be that way, especially with a 2 year old throwing cheerios in my hair. No he is not a distraction to me when I drive, I keep my eyes on the road, it's hard not to here. Cus if you look away for a second everyone slams on their brakes. What is up with that anyways? Everything will be all cool, and going you know maybe a little faster than usual, then all of a sudden....once you hit like 45...you come to a complete stop! WTF? Are you kidding me? Should it really take over an hour to drive 15 miles? Shit, when I was in Texas it would take me an hour and maybe 45 minutes to get from San Antonio to Houston...a whopping 187 miles. It takes me almost 2 hours to drive from MD to NoVa. So anywho...I'm just tired of this place. I wish I could go back to where I belong: in Texas...and not be here dealing with this shit. Aaargh.....Happy hump day!
posted by The Devil @ 7:02 AM  
  • At 7:29 AM, Blogger oldhall said…

    Sometimes I feel like I'm just out of sync with all the other people on the road- but this does not sound like what is happening in your case.

    I've never been to the east coast.

    I've never been to Texas.

    I've driven in Colorado Springs, which is dangerous because it's filled with very young military-types, who've not been driving for very long, and perhaps never on snow or ice.

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Name: The Devil
Home: Somewhere in, Texas, United States
About Me: I'm a young mom, who stresses out far too much.
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