Wednesday, February 01, 2006 |
Memories....Oh, sweet Memories! |
To remember things, is a great gift. I have always believed in this. It is amazing the things the human mind can retain. From the simplest thing, to the most complex equations, or foreign languages. I recall so much from my childhood, my teenage years, and my recent adulthood. I have forgotten that I used to be childless, loveless, and independent. That I used to survive off of M&M's and Chilli Cheese Fritos, with a Sprite everyday. I forgot that I used to run out in the hallways to meet all my friends briefly and pass notes. That I was childish. That I used to play with matchbox cars outside in the mud. That I used to wish this boy I had a crush on would kiss me. I always wanted my first kiss to be magical. I used to make-out for hours at the bowling alley when I was 13. I used to sneak makeup on, and remove it before I got home. That I would smoke at the tender age of 12, thinking I was too "grown-up" for myself. I visualize playing double dutch for hours. Sneaking out of my house at ungodly hours to go to clubs. That I used to "pop-wheelies" on my bike. That I used to have a perma-blue mouth from the blueberry snow cones, that I devoured. And today as I sat upstairs and busied myself with work, I recollected all this. I evoke how the sun shone around me. Watching the bees dance in between the green blades of grass in my backyard. I remember my rabbit, and how soft it's fur was. I imagine myself at age 15 crying on my dog's shoulder when I had no one else to talk to. Scavenging in empty houses, and playing softball in my backyard with the neighborhood kids. The cold Kool-aid we would drink, and the red mustaches we would all have. I envision the merry-go-round, rusted and useless and how much fun we used to have running between the tree trunks, the sand, and the beautiful sloping hills accross from my school. I faintly summon up the smell of the dugout as we waited until it was our turn to bat. I can see all these things and places and times as though they were the present. I can reminisce every smell that I grew up with. I conjure up images from all my stages and phases in life and see how much I have changed, yet stayed the same. So, I know that as we grow we tend to overlook those things that made us happy. The things that delight us. I forget to bask in the sunshine. I neglect to have a blueberry snowcone, or to run around with my arms out and wide into the rolling hills of grass. I am trying so hard to be "grown-up" that I have forgotten how I've gotten here. And how fun the trip has been. |
posted by The Devil @ 2:29 PM  |
yeah. days long past are so good....15 havin Stone Cold Steve Austin give me the finger at an autograph signing. good times good times.
WOW you are soo hot. Dont tell Randy!!!!!!!!
You 2 are fucking crazy, Spec, you need to put your dick in my mouth, don't be flirting with other people, your mine!
hahaha...dick in mouth...funny stuff...spec pumpin with little grasshopper actionfigure penis
LOL!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE SOO FUCKIN STUPID! THAT IS FUCKIN TOO FUNNY!!! And I do have an actionfigure penis.
yeah...action figure....kungfu grip. hmmmm...grip...wait a minute wasn't the original purpose of this post to be about happy memories. not talks about penis's and rc's milf.
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Name: The Devil
Home: Somewhere in, Texas, United States
About Me: I'm a young mom, who stresses out far too much.
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yeah. days long past are so good....15 havin Stone Cold Steve Austin give me the finger at an autograph signing. good times good times.