Will I ever make it home....
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
So, you see..
I can't believe it.

I am just chillin' trying to drive and this numbnuts asshole racist cop, decided to pull me over this morning. Yes. I know I should have turned using the center lane, but EVERYONE does it, and never gets caught, I try it one time and get busted. So I start to pull over to the left, and he yells at me through his speaker, pull over to the right before you get me killed. And I am thinking this idiot! What nerve of him to pull up to my window and say, "Do you speak english?". I was so insulted that he would be so rude. I gawked at him and answered. Here is this black cop, and he wants to be a racist prick when he pulls people over? WTF?

So, he doesn't give me a ticket (thank you military ID), and tells me good luck. I happened to lie to him and tell him that I didn't know the area and had just moved here from Texas. He believed me and yeah. I know it's evil to lie, but here in a couple of months I wont be able to say I am in the military...blah blah blah.

I just couldn't believe him.

"Do you speak english?"

HA HA HA HA HA.....racist motherfuker.
posted by The Devil @ 2:17 PM  
  • At 8:42 PM, Blogger thtgrl said…

    you should have totally started rambling in spanish as fast as you could, waving your arms everywhere and pointing ahead like you had to go.

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Name: The Devil
Home: Somewhere in, Texas, United States
About Me: I'm a young mom, who stresses out far too much.
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"Before you do anything, think. If you do something to try and impress someone, to be loved, accepted or even to get someone's attention, stop and think. So many people are busy trying to create an image, they die in the process."-Salma Hayek

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