Will I ever make it home....
Monday, February 12, 2007
Valentine's Day
As I try and hold my breath through ridiculous Kay Jewelrer's commercials, and other almost vomit worth crap you can get your sweety on Valentine's; I honestly have tried to pinpoint on why I loathe this holiday so much. Yes, I love the theme of it. I mean my kitchen is bright red, all my stuff in it is red or white, and a lot of it is Valentine's stuff. But I can assure you, I am no lovey Valetine's Day freak. I don't go around hoping I get a heart shaped box of chocolates with matching white "I love you bear-y much" bear, and roses. Believe me, if RC wanted us to break up, that certainly would be the way to do it. But I still can't think of why, on God's green earth, do I hate this day so much. So, I decided to recap my Valentine's Days on here as a sort of momento, for myself, and ya'll. (My like only reader....Randy)

Okay, 2nd or 3rd grade, Valentine's Day:

We go outside for recess, come back in, I see a flower and a barbie on my desk. It wasn't time to pass out our cards, yet. So, I sit down and look at the two items curiously. I scope the room and see no one watching me. I neatly place them under my desk. Never mention it in the class. My mom comes and picks me up, I show her my "prizes". She asks me who they are from. I told her what I knew which was nothing. A classmate's mom comes up and talks to my mom. I look at him as he blushes and tries to act tough around me. My mom whispers his name in my ear and tells me to thank him. I go up, and punch him in the face. Needless to say, I didn't get anymore nice things from him.

Okay, 5th grade (new school), a few days before V-Day:

I have had a crush on this boy since I laid eyes on him. My best friend and I would sit around my house thinking about calling him, and giggling hysterically at the thought of a 6th grader talking to us. We dial and as soon as he answers (well, we assumed it was him), we would giggle then hang up. V-Day comes around and we make something to put on his locker, we watch from accross the way as he tosses it in the trash. My best friend isn't discouraged, she just found out some boy in our class likes her. But me, I was crushed. Who would love such a scrawny, tan, tall girl, when I would tower over most of the boys in our school?

Okay, 8th grade (new school, once again) V-Day:

Everyone gets stuff from other students, but I....I only got one flower from the nastiest, ugliest boy in our school. I felt awful, and didn't want to carry it around with his name on it, so I threw it in my locker. The boy that I liked, well, he certainly didn't notice me. He was noticing my best friend. And her little sprouting flowers. Ugh, who was going to love such a flat chested girl?

Okay, 10th grade, V-Day:

I have been dating the sweetest most wonderful guy. He is truly awesome. He picks me up from school, and is so patient to wait on me. He works at the flower stand, so I know I will finally get roses and a tedy bear, just like all my other friends have. We have plans to go out to his friends' party. As I hear the doorbell ring, and squeal all the way to door, I see the big white bear, and roses in the window...But wait....that's not my boyfriend! It's his friend. Bubba delivers the news that my boyfriend has decided to not be with me anymore, because he just wasn't ready to wait for me. I bite back tears, as Bubba gives me a hug. Who breaks up with someone on V-Day?! And who gives them stuff when they break up with them?! He claims the flowers and bear are from my recent ex, but I know they are from Bubba. My mom really loved the roses and the teddy bear.

So, I guess with all those not so great experiences, I have come to think of V-Day as a sort of day to squash people, to hurt them unintentionally, whether those people knew it or not. And I know I was wrong for punching that poor kid, but I guess I already knew that V-Day was for suckers. I mean, do we actually need a holiday to remind us to be romantic? Do we need a holiday to countdown for us when we should make a real commitment to someone? I think it is all overly commercialized crap.

Love is love. No, it wont always be romantic. No, you don't always get flowers, and bubble baths, and chocolates. Sometimes you get tickle fights, and inside jokes, and blogs. Sometimes you just get a simple, "I love you" at the end of the night. Love isn't about the romanticised portion of life. It's about building, and trusting, and pushing, and working together. So, no....I don't need overpriced flowers, or stale chocolates. And I definitely don't need a little blue box, or white teddy bear. I just need a hug at the end of the day. And a friend there to hold my hand through the hard things in life. And a friend to be there with me during the good moments. To smile alongside of me.

BTW....Happy early birthday, Tellipot. I love you. And I hope you get everything you wish for, you LOVE baby!
posted by The Devil @ 8:09 PM  
  • At 7:55 AM, Blogger RC666 said…

    You wouldn't break up with me if I did that for you! If you did I'd punch you in the face. I never had good experience on Vday either but I guess I never really had that bad of ones. I try to be romantic at random times not just because Hallmark says I should be on this day. You didnt get mad when I got you that ring last year. I love you!! And you are stuck with me!

  • At 8:13 AM, Blogger The Devil said…

    Technically it was not on Valentine's and you didn't do it all cheesy like and gay. So, yeah I know I probably wouldn't but sheesh...It would be soo...cliche...

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Name: The Devil
Home: Somewhere in, Texas, United States
About Me: I'm a young mom, who stresses out far too much.
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